Christian Salvation

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gods church, church worship

Continued From > Gospel Of Jesus Christ

A well know Cristian evangelist was getting ready to leave on a preaching assignment to Africa. A few days before he left a neighbor  stopped over for a few minuets and said to the evangelist “why are you going to Africa with your religion? He continued “they have their own religion – so why do you trouble them with yours.”

The neighbor was quite surprised  when the evangelist told him he did not go anywhere to preach religion.  You know, this is sad to say, but that’s what a lot of church folks have today -Religion, what a drag that is!

The evangelist Said, “our message is the Gospel of Jesus Christ– I would not walk across the street — much less cross an ocean to to interest anyone with religion, but I am ready and willing to go anywhere in the world to proclaim the Gospel of the Son of God!”

I thank God that through the centuries there have been hundreds and thousands who have shared this dedication that this evangelist has– for winning souls for Christ by faithfully proclaiming the life changing message of the Gospel.

The Apostle Paul was one of the first to give his all to be a proclaimer of the Good News of the Gospel.  He said in Acts:20-24  “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.”

There are thousand of religions in the world–but only one Gospel. Several months after I was saved, and yes  I was saved by hearing the same Gospel Paul the Apostle  was proclaiming–It hasn’t changed! Any way I walked into a service station in the town where I lived, and a guy said to me, ” Hanson I hear you got religion,” I answered, ” if you mean by religion that I have accepted Christ as my lord and  savior, than yes that’s true.” He answered, “whatever its all religion.” You see a good number of people do not know the difference between religion and The Gospel.

Like I said before there are thousands of religions– but only one true Gospel that can save a sinner headed for hell and put him/her on the road to heaven.

For you see:

  • Religions are a product of the human mind
  • The Gospel is the revelation of Gods mind.
  • Religions originated on earth.
  • The Gospel originated in heaven.
  • Religions are man made.
  • The Gospel is a gift from God.
  • Religions–and I mean all of them is the story of what a sinful man tries to do for God.
  • The Gospel is the wonderful story of what a Holy God has already done for sinful man.
  • Religion is mans quest for God.
  • The Gospel is the Savior God seeking lost man.
  • Religion at it’s best can only succeed in producing an outward reformation.
  • The Gospel performs the miracle  of an inward transformation.
  • Religion is good views– the opinions of sinful man.
  • The Gospel is the good news declaration of of a righteous and loving God.

We could sum up the whole issue about religion verses the Gospel this way; religion may put a new coat on a man, but the Gospel puts a new man in the coat.

Next > Power Of the Gospel

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1 Response

  1. May 30, 2010

    […] Continued From > Christian Salvation […]

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