Longing For God

Gods Love,

Longing For God

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Gods Grace

The Big craze today is body building- even a lot of women are into body building. Look at all the commercials we see on television-some of the older ones were Solar Flex, Nordic Track, Ski Machine, Sudden Youth to remove your wrinkles, and today a whole batch of new products to make us look better and younger.

But Solomon said: “Its all vanity and a chasing after the wind.” Many of us use all our energies on trying to make our bodies look good.

Our bodies crave pleasure it has physical appetites, and we spend much of our time and money on the appetites of the body.

But our soul has appetites too- the soul longs for God.

Deep down inside of every persons heart is a cry and a longing for something or someone-but man doesn’t know what it is.

Man is a worshiping creature.

Man instinctively knows that there is something or someone out there and he longs to know who or what it is. I want to tell you dear friend, that something or someone is God! Because your soul is the part of you that was made in the image of God, and your soul will never be satisfied, never be complete, never be content, until it finds communion with God, and can fellowship with its creator.

Our bodies will die and turn back to dust, but the soul has a longing for God because the soul is eternal and will live forever.
Next:> The Devil Knows Your Name

Fast Tube by Casper

[The Furious Longing of God]

In those bleak moments, it is a gift to be reminded of the furious longing of God. Like I said yesterday, Brennan Manning can write.

Longing For God

GOD WHISPERS IN THE WIND. God comes to our lonely, anxious hearts and whispers our name. God says “I see both the fear you have of closeness and the deep longing you have… .

Want to Experience God?

Naaman is furious. He thought that he would be asked to wash in some other river, some more important river. His servants say, If the prophet had commanded you to do something difficult, would …

Hunger Is the Best Sauce in Our Thirst for God

In the face of this bursting forth of longing for God, everything else suddenly retreats. What is most vital about us is our vitality for God.

Longing for God’s interventions

My eyes fail, looking for my God. Answer me, O LORD, out of the goodness of your love; in your great mercy turn to me. Do not hide your face from your servant; answer me quickly, for I am in tr…

Incarnations of God

Man’s longing to see God who is Absolute is not satisfied unless he sees God in a human form. A special manifestation of God’s power in anyone is sufficient indicat…

When God Comes

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There’s a longing in every heart that only Jesus can satisfy

Even though we may know that life without God at the center is a life that has lost the most important piece, do we live as though He isn’t particularly relevant?

Satisfying the Longing of Your Soul

Dybdahl refers to a “double longing” of God for us, yet the focus is on our “striving,” our “hunger,” our “thirst,” and not on God’s grace, his feeding us, his quenching of that thirst.

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