The Eternal Soul

gods amazing grace,gods grace

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titles=Valu of a soul]Continued from>Gods Amazing Grace

In Mark chapter 8 verse 36 Jesus Said that a soul has more value than the whole world… He asks the question “What would it profit a man to gain the whole world and  forfeit his soul.” The Lord Jesus , in this portion of scripture,  takes the whole world in it’s entirety and puts it on one side of a scale [balance].

  • The physical world
  • The geographical world
  • The business world
  • The scientific world
  • The Intellectual world

On the other side of the scale [balance] He puts the human soul, side by side

He puts the two the world and the soul.

You know, Jesus is asking a hypothetical question when he asks; “what would it profit a man if he should gain the whole world,” no one could ever gain the whole world. But Jesus is saying –suppose you could, just suppose you gain the whole world every bit of it, what would it profit you if, by so doing, you lose your eternal soul?? It would be a poor trade,  that’s how valuable the soul is!

But why–why  is the soul so valuable?

The soul is valuable because it’s eternal– It’s the part of you that will never die–It’s the part of you that is made in the image of God, the soul/ spriit will live forever.

It’s the part of you that has understanding.

The part of you that makes decisions.

The part of you that involves the will, emotions,feelings like love, fear,hate.

The part of you that has memory.

The part of you that can store up knowledge.

The soul is that something down deep inside of us that is beyond science to know or understand.

I took a course in astronomy when I was in college, we looked at videos and viewed amazing sights. Astronomers can look through these powerful telescopes and see astounding things in the universe–things they can’t even attempt to explain or understand at the present time. Black holes that baffle the human mind.

Likewise, the soul can not even be seen by science, say nothing about being examined  under a microscope, and can never be explained by science.

The soul is valuable because it is eternal, It’s the part of you that will live forever. and ever, and ever.

Next: Longing For God

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1 Response

  1. May 2, 2010

    […] Continued from: The Eternal Soul […]

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